The Crown Tundra DLC for Pokemon Sword And Shield allows players to capture a wide variety of Special Pokemon both new and old, including Pokemon Sun And Moon‘s Legendary Pokemon Cosmog along with the mysterious group known as the Ultra Beasts.
Below is a short guide explaining what to do in order to obtain Cosmog and capture the Ultra Beasts in Pokemon Sword And Shield’s Crown Tundra DLC.
Cosmog is surprisingly easy to obtain via the Crown Tundra, once players reach Freezington, Cosmog can be found in one of the houses.
In order to obtain Cosmog, players will then have to save the town from Calyrex’s rogue steed, after which the elderly woman will allow the player to take Cosmog with them.
Ultra Beasts
The majority of the Ultra Beasts can be found in Dynamax Adventures after the “They Came From The Ultra Beyond” even is activated.
The Ultra Beast story will begin after players have captured Calyrex, the Galarian Legendary Birds, and the Legendary Titans as part of the Crown Tundra’s story.
After the Ultra Beast story has begun, players will be able to encounter one of each Ultra Beast in Dynamax Adventures.
Poipole is the only Ultra Beast that is not encountered as part of Dynamax Adventures.
After players have encountered 5 Ultra Beasts in Dynamax Adventures, Poipole will appear in the Max Lair base, where it will be able to join the player’s party.
